Embark on a whimsical journey of flavors with "Teddy's Mochi Hearts," a delightful ensemble of mochi ice cream treasures. Each mochi ice cream heart is a tender confession of flavor, with mango & coconut dancing in a tropical embrace, strawberry & chocolate serenading your palate, and mint & chocolate providing a refreshing finale. Our mochi ice cream is lovingly wrapped in a soft mochi skin, ensuring every bite of "Teddy's Mochi Hearts" is as memorable as it is delectable. Indulge in the unique fusion where mochi ice cream becomes the canvas for a love story told in tastes and textures, making every mochi ice cream bite an affair to remember.
Ice Cream Rolls Flavours:
- mango and coconut
- strawberry and chocolate
- mint and chocolate
3.5" L x 1.5" H x 1.5" W each (Total Approx. 300g)
2 - 4 Pax