Princess Cake Malaysia | Buy Unique Princess Birthday Cake Online Today! – Kindori Moments Sdn Bhd (796564-U)

Princess Cake

Princess was the dream of a lady, regardless they are kids or an adult. The woman always has a princess dream. Dreaming of a prince riding on a white horse coming to the castle of the princess, looking for her. Getting married wearing the snow white dress, walking towards the father swearing for the non-betrayal of the rest of the life. Looking forward to the happy life they are going to have.

Did you ever have a cake that looks like a princess? It's not the doll that is standing above it. Its the whole cake is the princess. If you never, you shall try it in KindoriMoments! Specially made by our in house cake decorator. Try our princess cake today in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Uniquely designed for girls. Personalisable base on requests.
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