About Us
Kindori Moments is originated from a Japanese ice cream brand. The idea is turning fresh frozen fruits into ice cream on spot, low sugar & no preservative; conserve the freshness of the fruits. The uniqueness attracted our founder’s attention instantly.
From humble beginnings from just selling ice cream in cones & cups, to now, offering ice cream cakes with creative designs and we also invented lollipop ice creams, which are preferred by many.
Our purpose is to deliver meaningful and touching moments to your loved ones. Yes, every delivery is just one handing over cake to another person… but, it’s that moment, that important moment that is meaningful to you and your loved ones, that is important to us. We make sure everything we do honour that important moment of yours.
One of our core values is continuous improvement – our team is committed to improve continuously in all aspects to serve our customers better and better, be it the quality, the design, the service, etc.
Our new platform kindorimoments.com is reborn, fresh look, to serve you better.
See you soon!